Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Animal Spotlight: Winter

Animal spotlight is something new! It is a chance for us to give you a detailed explanation of a resident at CMA! Who better to start off with than the most famous dolphin in the world, Winter!

Winter is an amazing dolphin who will always make you smile no matter what! She got her tail stuck in a crab pot when she was around two months old, and unfortunately  the tail had to be removed because of the severity of the injuries. Winter got a prosthetic tail made by Kevin Carroll and his team, which saved her life. Without the tail Winter would have gotten severe paralysis, which would have made it very painful for her to swim. Winter overcame all odds and survived! She is the star of Dolphin Tale, and has thousands of people visit her each year at her home, Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

~Written by Katie~

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