Monday, March 18, 2013

Meet the Otters!

 I will introduce the 3 current otters living at CMA, Cooper, Oscar, and Walle.

     This is Oscar he was found near a dumpster on May 21st, 2009 by the SPCA and transported to CMA. They do not know how he got there, what happened to his mother, and where she was. When he got there, he very dehytrated and had low blood sugars which mean he hadn't eaten in sevral hours. Since he was very young he had to be bottle fed. He needed to be fed 2-3 hours and watched 24/7. As he grew older he started to eat fish and taught how to swim. He could not be released because he didn't learned the things he would need to learn from his mother.

       This is Cooper, CMA recues him on July 21, 2001 he was found in a pirvate citizens garage. Cooper was dehydrated and very skinny due to lack of food when he was rescued. He had more serious injuries then that. He had continual abrasions and abscesses along his back, worn pads and nails, and part paralsis in his rear legs. They think that these injuries are from him being run over by a motor vehicle. Throughout his rehabilitation process he has regained some mobility in his hind legs, however, he is still unable to fully support his body on land and walk around.

             This is Walle he was rescued from the wild by a person. He raised him on his boat he thought that he was doing a good job by keeping him as a pet. As Walle grew older his owner soon realized that raising a otter is very hard and not like raising an ordinary household pet. He thought he could release him back into the wild, but found out that he couldn't. They made sure that he didn't have any toxins or diseases then afterwards he was transported to CMA!
~Written by Shana~

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